Do beehives die in the winter? This is a common question asked by many beekeepers and those interested in beekeeping.
Winter can be an especially stressful time for bees, as they must work to survive the cold weather and lack of food resources. To answer this question, it’s important to understand how bees adapt and survive during the winter months.

In this article, we’ll discuss what happens to beehives during winter, how they prepare, and whether or not they do die. We’ll also provide tips on how to ensure that your hive has the best chance of surviving the season.
How Bees Prepare For Winter
Bees are incredibly hard-working and resourceful creatures, and for them to survive the winter, they must prepare in advance.
According to the Apiary Inspectors of America (AIA), honey bees can store up to 80 pounds of honey before winter—enough to last them the entire season! This honey is used as food for the colony during the months when flowers are not in bloom. You can contact an exterminator for bees anytime if you find out any beehive.
The bees also cluster together in large groups to keep warm at night. During this ‘winter clustering,’ all of the bees will huddle together around the queen bee and vibrate their wing muscles in order to generate heat. These clusters form a big ball of buzzing insects that can range from the size of a baseball to the size of a basketball, depending on the size of the hive.
As temperatures drop further, some colonies may become inactive, but this doesn’t necessarily mean they are dead. Honeybees will go into a state of torpor, where they lower their metabolic rate and conserve energy until warmer weather returns and new sources of food become available.
With careful preparation and collective effort, honeybees have an excellent chance at surviving winter each year. Now that we’ve discussed how bees prepare for winter, let’s take a look at what happens to the hive during this time period.
What Happens To The Hive During Winter
As winter approaches, bees must prepare for the upcoming season. During this period, they will consume the last of their honey reserves and cluster together to keep warm. All members of the hive will take turns moving around in order to create a constant temperature and ensure that no bee gets too cold.
The hive itself is designed to help protect the bees from the elements during the winter months. It is made up of various layers of wax cells, which helps to insulate them from the cold temperatures outside. In addition, it is filled with propolis, a sticky substance created by the bees that acts as a sealant and protect them from drafts and moisture.
Winter can be a difficult time for any hive, but there are several factors that dictate its survival or mortality rate. These include access to food sources, availability of shelter, proper ventilation, and even weather conditions in the local area.
Each year brings new challenges for bees to overcome in order to make it through until spring arrives again.
Factors That Dictate Winter Mortality
Beehives can suffer winter mortality depending on the conditions in which they are kept. Many beekeepers use a method known as ‘wintering’ to help their hives survive the harsh winter months. This involves keeping the beehive warmer and allowing it access to food sources throughout the winter. However, if a hive is not properly cared for or left in an unprotected environment, it can suffer from cold temperatures, starvation, or lack of oxygen during the winter months.
When it comes to surviving winter weather, there are several factors that need to be taken into consideration. The size of the hive, its insulation levels and location all play an important role in helping the colony survive. It’s also important to keep an eye out for signs of infection or disease that could affect the bees’ ability to survive during colder periods.
Not all hives will make it through the winter even with proper care; some may succumb to extreme weather events such as storms or blizzards, and others may fall victim to predators like bears or skunks.
Therefore, understanding the risks associated with leaving a beehive unattended during winter months is essential for ensuring its survival through these harsher times. With this knowledge in mind, let us now look at how we can help our beehive survive winter successfully.
How To Help Your Beehive Survive Winter
Bees are amazing creatures that face many challenges during the winter. According to research, up to 30% of beehives die each winter due to the cold temperatures and lack of nectar-producing flowers. Despite these harrowing odds, there are steps you can take to help your beehive survive the winter and thrive in the spring:
Preparing for Winter:
- Ensure your hive is well insulated by adding extra layers of protection against the cold.
- Make sure there is enough honey stored for the bees to eat through the winter.
- Keep an eye out for diseases such as mites, which can spread quickly throughout a hive during colder months.
Monitoring Throughout Winter:
- If you live in an area that experiences extreme winters, check on your hives every few weeks.
- Monitor bee activity and note any changes in behavior or health issues.
- Check if bees are leaving or entering their hives to ensure they still have access to food and water sources.
Spring Preparation:
- When temperatures start rising again, check if there is still enough honey stored inside the hive.
- Install new frames filled with foundation wax so bees can start building new combs and store more honey.
- Replace any damaged parts of your hive before warm weather arrives so it’s ready for use when needed.
- By taking these steps and understanding different strategies for overwintering, beekeepers can give their colonies a better chance at making it through winter unscathed and preparing them for a successful season come springtime.
Different Strategies For Overwintering
1. Feeding beehives is an important part of overwintering, as bees need enough food stored to survive the winter months.
2. Insulating the beehive is also key to keeping it warm and reducing the amount of energy the colony has to use to heat it.
3. Moving beehives to a warmer climate can also help, as this can provide a more hospitable environment for the bees.
4. Providing additional food sources can also help the hive survive the winter, as they may not be able to forage enough during the colder months.
5. Wrapping the hive with insulation can also help keep the bees warm in the winter months.
6. Beekeepers can also move their hives to a warmer climate if they’re able to in order to help the bees survive the winter.
Feeding Beehives
During the winter months, beehives require special care in order to survive. One of the main strategies for successful overwintering is providing enough food for the bees.
Bees need a steady supply of nectar and pollen throughout the cold season in order to maintain their strength and health. To do this, it’s important to check the hives regularly and make sure that they’re stocked with enough honey stores before winter sets in.
It’s also important to provide supplementary feedings of sugar syrup or other sources of nutrition during times when natural sources are scarce. This helps keep the hive productive and healthy until spring arrives.
Finally, it’s important to pay attention to other environmental factors such as temperature, moisture levels, and ventilation which can all affect the bees’ ability to survive through winter. By taking these steps and providing adequate nutrition for their colonies, beekeepers can ensure their hives have everything they need to thrive even during the coldest months of the year.
Insulating Beehives
The last step in protecting beehives from the cold is insulating them.
This can be done by adding insulation material to the walls of the hive or by wrapping the whole hive in a thick blanket.
Insulating the hive helps keep it warm and dry during winter, which is essential for the bees’ survival.
It also helps reduce condensation buildup inside the hive, which can lead to mold and other harmful conditions.
Additionally, insulation can help reduce energy consumption as it prevents heat from escaping, thus allowing for more efficient use of energy sources like honey stores.
Taking these steps will help ensure that your hives are well protected from the elements during winter months so they can survive until spring arrives.
Moving Beehives
Moving the hive is another strategy for protecting beehives during winter. It involves finding a location that provides some shelter from the cold and moving the hive there.
This can be a sheltered spot in your backyard, under a tree, or even inside a shed or garage. Moving the hive to these spots can provide protection from not just the cold temperatures but also from wind, rain and snow, which can all have an adverse effect on a hive’s health.
It’s important to make sure you move the hive in one piece and don’t break it apart as this can lead to bees becoming disoriented or confused. Additionally, it should be done carefully so as not to disturb the bees too much and cause them undue stress.
Once moved, check on the hives periodically throughout winter to ensure they are faring well in their new environment. All of these steps will help give your hives the best chance of surviving until spring arrives.
The Benefits Of Winterizing Your Hive
Winterizing your beehive can be beneficial for both the bees and the beekeeper. For the bees, it can provide protection from the elements and help them retain heat. For the beekeeper, it is an opportunity to check on their hives and make sure they are in good condition.
The first step of winterizing a hive is to assess its condition. This includes looking for signs of damage or disease, as well as checking for any gaps between frames or boxes that might allow cold air to enter. The beekeeper should also take this opportunity to inspect the frames and make sure there are enough resources such as pollen, honey, and nectar stores for the bees to feed on during the cold months.
| Benefit | Bee | Beekeeper |
| — | — | — |
| Protection from Elements | ✔️| |
| Retain Heat | ✔️| |
| Check Condition of Hive | | ✔️|
| Inspect Frames for Gaps/Damage | | ✔️|
| Ensure Resources Available to Feed on During Cold Months | | ✔️|
After completing these steps, the beekeeper can add insulation materials such as wool or hay around the exterior of the hive to protect it from external temperatures. This will help keep the inside of the hive at a more consistent temperature throughout winter and ensure that their colony survives until spring arrives again. With proper care and maintenance during winter months, beehives can thrive all year round.
Frequently Asked Questions
How Can I Tell If My Beehive Is In Danger Of Dying During The Winter?
It can be difficult to tell if your beehive is in danger of dying during the winter, but there are some signs you should look out for.
If the hive appears to have less activity than usual, this could indicate that they are struggling to survive and may not make it through the cold months.
Additionally, if the hive has fewer bees than before or if their honey stores are diminishing quickly, they may not have enough food to sustain them until spring.
Finally, any signs of disease or pest infestation can be a sign that your hive is in trouble. In any of these cases, it’s important to take action quickly before it’s too late.
Are There Any Signs That A Beehive Is Not Surviving The Winter?
As the days grow colder and winter slowly creeps in, beekeepers around the world must begin to prepare their beehives for the cold season.
While some beehives may make it through unscathed, others may not be so lucky.
There are a few telltale signs that indicate a beehive is not surviving the winter: a lack of activity in and around the hive, an excessive amount of dead bees outside the hive, or a decrease in honey production.
It’s important to stay vigilant and monitor your hives throughout the winter to ensure they make it through alive.
Is There A Way To Move My Beehive Indoors During Colder Months To Protect It?
Moving a beehive indoors during colder months is one possible way to protect it from winter weather.
This is most often done with the help of a professional beekeeper, as they will be able to guide you through the process and make sure your hive is set up correctly.
It’s important to note that moving a beehive indoors can still come with risks, like not having enough space or ventilation.
If you decide to move your hive indoors, make sure to research the best practices for doing so ahead of time.
Are There Any Natural Remedies I Can Use To Help My Beehive Survive The Winter?
As winter approaches, beekeepers must take extra steps to ensure their beehive’s survival.
One of the most natural remedies is to provide extra insulation in the form of dry leaves, wood chips, or even newspapers.
Additionally, beekeepers should consider using a windbreak and reducing ventilation to protect the hive from harsh winds.
Finally, ensuring there are plenty of resources available such as flowers and nectar, can help keep their bees nourished during the colder months.
With these simple remedies in place, beekeepers can rest assured that their hives will make it through the winter unscathed.
How Many Times Should I Check On My Beehive During The Winter?
It is important to check on your beehive during the winter, especially if you are using natural remedies to help it survive.
Generally speaking, you should check on your beehive at least once every two weeks throughout the colder months.
Be sure to observe any changes in the hive’s activity or structure, such as a decrease in bee activity or an increase of mold growth.
If you notice any of these signs, consult with a local beekeeper for assistance right away.
Winter can be a difficult time for beehives, so it’s important to keep a close eye on them.
I’ve seen firsthand how devastating it can be when a hive doesn’t survive the winter. Last year, my friend’s hive didn’t make it, and she was heartbroken. She had put so much effort into taking care of her bees, and it felt like such a waste.
To ensure this doesn’t happen to you, frequently check in on your hive during the winter months and use natural remedies to help protect them from the cold temperatures. Also, Learn what is the biggest beehive in the world.
It’s also important to consider moving your hive indoors if you live in an area with severe winters. By taking these steps, you can help your bees make it through the season safely and successfully. Atap provides bee removal service Chicago. You can call them at (708) 980-0092.