Is It An Ant, Or A Termite?
Almost every week at this time of year, we get calls from worried homeowners who aren’t sure if It’s An Ants or A Termite in and around their homes. They remark, “They appear like ants, but they have wings.” “Can you tell me what they are?” Is it possible for you to send someone to […]
Termite Mounds in Yard.
Termite mounds are a classic symptom that your home is infested with termites. Structures insects construct these to serve as a home and to enable the colonies in outside regions meet their respiratory needs. Termite mounds can be a nuisance and knowing how to recognize them can help you stay safe from these pests. So, […]
Termite Mounds In House.
For years, the name “termite” has instilled horror in the hearts of homeowners. Learn more about termite nests and how to spot infestation indications. Termites. These homewreckers can cost tens of thousands of dollars in repairs and damage. Learn how to recognize a termite colony and how to avoid them. Termites reside in nests or […]
Termite Prevention Tips for the Home
Let’s Talk about Pests! Specifically, let’s talk about TERMITES!!!! Termites all belong to the phylum Arthropoda, the class Insecta, and the order Isoptera. There are over 2,000 different species of termites with over 40 species in the United States alone. Most of these insect species look very similar to one another, typically measuring between 1/4 […]
Termites in Your House
A customer called and requested treatment for termites for all the wood in the home and crawl space in front of the home. We scheduled an appointment to inspect the home on the upcoming Saturday afternoon. After inspection, we saw that the dirt in front of the home in the crawl space would have to […]