House flies and other “filth flies” are annoyaning pests that can spread diarrheal diseases such as food poisoning and dysentery. Flies lay their eggs in or near their food sources, which can include rotten food and animal waste. Knowing what attracts flies allows you to keep them out of your home.


What do flies find appealing?


The best way to keep flies at bay is to keep your kitchen, bathrooms, and yard clean and free of waste. Eliminating what attracts flies eliminates breeding sites.


What Do Flies Consume?

There are thousands of different species of flies, and their diets differ. The “fly diet” is not some new fad that will help you lose weight. Given the rotten nature of fly food, that would be pretty disgusting. The FAQs below explain a fly’s diet, answering questions like “what do flies eat?” These answers will help you understand why fly control is so important for the health of you and your family.


Flies, like thousands of other species, have a wide range of food sources and preferences. The feeding habits of one species differ significantly from those of another. Mosquitoes, for example, are a type of fly that feeds on decaying organic matter in the water while in the larval stage. As adults, they feed on plant nectar, though they are best known for sucking blood.


Tachinid flies consume plant nectar as adults, but as larvae, they consume other insects. Hessian flies consume grass, whereas bot flies consume animal tissue. While in the larval stage, the most recognizable fly, the house fly, survive on rotting food and meat. If the house fly larvae have their way, the decaying matter is preferably laced with human, pig, or horse feces. The house fly prefers sweets, liquids, and rotting fruit as an adult. That explains why the “fly diet” never existed.


What does a house fly eat?

The mouthparts of most flies are best described as two sponge pads and a straw. Their lips have grooved channels that allow liquid to flow in from the fly’s lower lip’s two fleshy pads (the labella). Because flies cannot chew, they must dissolve solid food into liquid, or at the very least into particles measuring 0.45 millimeters or less. The fly does this by regurgitating saliva from its stomach, which dissolves the food and makes it digestible. The house fly then sucks up the liquefied food with its proboscis.


House flies taste with their feet, despite the fact that they eat with their mouths. As a result, they are constantly crawling on your food. Because flies “taste” spoiled meat and feces, the last place you want them crawling is on the food you’re about to eat – not to mention flies constantly defecate.


Do fruit flies consume fruit?

Fruit flies, contrary to popular belief, do not consume fruit. They eat the yeast cells that grow on fruit, especially rotting fruit. That’s why you only see them when fruit rots or in garbage storage and disposal areas, where people frequently discard rotten fruit.


Flies are filthy, bothersome, and some species can bite. If you have a fly problem, don’t try to starve them away with a bizarre fly diet or home remedy



Fruit Flies Identification

Fruit flies are frequently mistaken for fungus gnats, and vice versa. Adult fruit flies and fungus gnats can both be seen flying in the same area. Fruit flies are commonly found in the kitchen and pantry, whereas fungus gnats are more likely to be found outside or in areas with high moisture and decaying plant matter. Fungus gnats, on the other hand, can be found indoors near house plants. Fruit flies are more light-brown or yellow in color, whereas fungus gnats are dark brown, gray, or black. Though difficult to identify and differentiate without magnification, these two tiny pests require different methods for removal.


What Are the Causes of Fruit Flies?

Fungus gnats are frequently brought into homes in the soil of overwatered house plants, whereas fruit flies lay their eggs on produce, such as fruit, and are then brought into your home. Contrary to their name, these pests will eat any mature over-ripe vegetables that are left out in the open, as well as fruit. Fruit flies are also drawn to warm, humid environments, so an infestation of fruit flies is most likely to occur in late summer or early fall, though these bugs can appear at any time of year.


To avoid bringing infested produce, begin by inspecting all fresh produce at the store before purchasing it. Keep an eye out for any damage, such as bruising or browning, which may indicate that the fruit is overripe. If you see these signs, you should buy less ripe produce. The same procedure should be followed for any product that is already in your home. If a fruit or vegetable appears to be overripe, follow the CDC’s fruit and vegetable safety guidelines and freeze or refrigerate it to help preserve it. Keep your kitchen counters clean by wiping away any sticky residues and crumbs. Food particles left in the sink, trash cans, and garbage disposal can also attract these pesky pests, so make sure to thoroughly rinse these areas after each meal. There are quite a few things that you need to keep in mind when you are dealing with flies. This is why we are here to help. Our experts are considered to be one of Chicago’s best fly exterminators!


We’ve come to your aid! Our technicians will take one look at the situation and the flies will flee for their lives!

Call ATAP Pest Control professionals for assistance in determining the best fly removal method for you and your home. Reach us at (708) 980-0092 to help you deal with those flies!

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