Mosquito Control

Chicagoland Mosquito Control Solutions

Keeping your home safe from year-round invaders and seasonal pests is something we take great pride in at ATAP Pest Control. Our technicians are committed to providing your home with safe, environmentally friendly pest protection. They are experienced, licensed, and well-trained. When it comes to results, we simply guarantee them. If pest activity persists after a service call, we will return for free until the problem is resolved.

If you’re sick of battling pesky mosquitoes in your backyard all summer, there’s a simple and effective products solution. Call us for a free mosquito control quote today!

The Life Cycle of a Mosquito

The life cycle of a mosquito is relatively short when compared to that of other insects that need control. The eggs are laid all at once by the female and are attached to one another in order to form a “raft” that can float on top of the water surface. Other types of mosquitoes can lay their eggs in clumps in wet soil, refuse, or debris, but they are less common. Once the eggs have been laid, they will usually hatch within 48 hours of being laid. A number of other eggs are laid later in the season and must survive the harsh winter weather before hatching. These eggs are extremely durable, and they can even withstand temperatures below zero degrees Fahrenheit. Once spring arrives, they will be found all over your yard once more.

After hatching from their eggs, mosquitoes transform into larval and pupal stages, during which they molt several times and feed on microorganisms in the water before reaching their final stage as an adult mosquito. The entire lifecycle of a mosquito varies depending on the temperature of their surroundings, but female mosquitoes live on average for 6-8 weeks. Male mosquitoes have a short life span of 10 days, and though they do not bite, they are still a threat because they fertilize the eggs of a female mosquito, thereby contributing to the perpetuation of the cycle of transmission. Because a female mosquito can lay up to 300 eggs at a time, and because they have such a short life cycle, it is easy to see how these insects can reproduce very quickly. Infestations of mosquitoes during the spring and summer months are common if the mosquitoes have a place to lay their eggs on a regular basis.

Despite the fact that these little buggers are tough and persistent, they have no chance against professional mosquito control.


Where do Mosquitoes Live?

Mosquitoes thrive and reproduce in environments with high levels of moisture. Take a look around your residence. Do you have any standing water, puddles, gardens with saturated soil, or water hoses that are dripping? Mosquito breeding grounds are found in abundance in this area. Their perception of these areas is that they are an invitation to lay their eggs and establish themselves in your home. The following are some additional steps you can take to avoid unintentionally creating mosquito breeding areas:

Get rid of any tin cans, buckets, old tires, or anything else that can collect rainwater on your property.
Keep the rain gutters on your roof clear of debris and trash to prevent stagnant water from accumulating and causing damage.
Check the drip pans on your air conditioner.
Clean out the gutters near your sidewalk and other drainage areas to avoid attracting them with wet debris.
Remember to keep your garbage cans covered and sealed.
Change the water in the bird bath on a regular basis. Do not overfill flower pots, as this will cause excess water to collect in the drip trays.
Make sure to shake off any tarps that are covering firewood or other areas in your yard on a regular basis.
It is critical, however, to thoroughly clean these areas with soap and water after you have emptied the water. Even in the absence of water, eggs can become firmly attached to these surfaces and hatch at a later date. Maintaining a mosquito-free environment in your yard requires constant attention.


Ask About Our mosquito control Specials

Avoid the Risks of Mosquito-Borne Diseases

Mosquitoes are considered an annoyance, but over the last decade, we have learned how critical it is to prevent the harmful effects of their bites. Mosquitoes transmit diseases that can be fatal to your family and pets. ATAP Exterminators’ experts are happy to discuss a management strategy for preventing these pests from wreaking havoc in your home, based on our years of experience. 

Mosquitoes and the Danger they present – Contol the Mosquitos for Good

Some have claimed that “mosquitoes are the most dangerous animals on the face of the planet.” A dangerous animal is not usually associated with something like this in the minds of most people. Sharks, hippos, moose, lions, and other muscular, sharp-toothed animals are typically the first animals that come to mind when thinking about sharks. Despite the fact that those animals can be quite frightening in the wild, mosquitoes are the most dangerous creature on the planet because of the large number of deaths they cause each year. Because of the speed with which they spread disease from one person to another throughout history, mosquitoes have been responsible for a large number of massive, catastrophic casualties.

When it comes to protecting ourselves against blood-borne pathogens and diseases, we go to great lengths to protect ourselves. Within hospitals, we take extraordinary precautions to prevent patients and medical staff from spreading contagious diseases to one another. Mosquitoes, on the other hand, pass disease-infected blood from person to person without a second thought, completely unrestricted and unconstrained by any barriers. These mosquitoes are disease vectors, and once they have picked up a virus from a host, the virus is able to reproduce within the mosquito. Then, when the mosquito bites again, it transmits the virus to the new host through the saliva of the mosquito bite.

Staying safe and healthy while avoiding mosquito bites is essential!

Mosquito Control in South Suburbs of Chicago

Our vector-trained technicians do more than just exterminate existing mosquito swarms. Our technicians will inspect your property and then implement a three-pronged strategy to ensure your comfort throughout the name of season. The backyard mosquito control program consists of eradicating and repelling existing mosquitos, masking the presence of CO2, and spraying a repellent barrier.

Home Mosquito Solutions

We use the newest and most effective equipment and products for mosquito control.

Get Mosquito Control for Homes

We specialize in pet-friendly mosquito control.

Chicago Mosquito Control

We specialize in mosquito control.

What Attracts Mosquitoes to your Home?

Female mosquitoes require the iron and protein found in your blood in order to successfully reproduce. 
It’s for this reason that they’re so determined to bite you. 
Once they’ve gotten their hands on your blood, all they have to do is find place to lay their eggs.
Mosquito breeding grounds can be found almost anywhere there is standing or stagnant water to breed in. Gutter covers, dog bowls, bird baths, and containers such as bottle caps are examples of what is prohibited.
While you can make every effort to keep stagnant water to a minimum on your own property, you have no control over what your neighbors choose to do with theirs. That is why it is critical to have effective mosquito control measures and products in place.

Mosquito Control in Chicago

To exterminate the existing mosquitoes on your property, our technicians will apply a mosquito barrier in the form of a wax-based water repellent spray that will cling to the structures and organic matter in your yard. To prevent future swarms, our repellent treatment masks carbon dioxide levels, making your property less appealing to mosquitoes, who are attracted to the CO2 that humans exhale. Finally, a vertical barrier is installed, which grows stronger with each service visit. You and your family can enjoy all of the fun and activities that good weather allows, without having to worry about buzzing flying pests.

Results are obtained quickly! We make the entire process simple, from start to finish, so you can rediscover the simple joy of relaxing in your backyard.

Clients share their experience with Our Mosquito Control

Amazing work! Very professional and actually removed the problem first time out. I recommend services to everyone looking. Thank you all again
Sharon Benion-EL
I think they are the most knowledgeable pest control company in the city! I would most definitely call them back if I needed any more pest removed.
James Stinger
It's three weeks later and the mosquitoes have not come back! My two cats were never affected by the exterminating service. ATAP really knows their stuff. I trusted my pets and my house to them and would do it again if we need to.
Lola McKinney

Choosing Right Mosquito Control Company

Why You Should Hire A Mosquito Control Company that can Save You Time, Stress, and Money.

Our technicians are mosquito control experts who are dedicated to one goal: eliminating mosquitoes so you can enjoy being outside again. Our technicians in the field, outfitted with the latest equipment and backed by the coordination of top-notch support staff, complete the job quickly and thoroughly, leaving a noticeable absence of biting insects in their wake.

When you contact ATAP Exterminators, our knowledgeable office staff will assist you in determining the best mosquito control solution for you and your home or business.

ATAP Exterminators is backed by a team of skilled technicians committed to ridding your outdoor space of pesky mosquitoes. All technicians are licensed and trained in mosquito control treatment applications, and they are an excellent resource for any questions you may have about your yard. They not only enjoy making outdoor activities fun again but our team is made up of people who are passionate about making our community a better place. You can rest assured that you are in capable hands.

Mosquitoes are annoying, but we are confident that you will not be disappointed with our mosquito control services. As a result, we provide our ATAP Satisfaction Guarantee and will never lock you into a contract. If you are dissatisfied with the effectiveness of our mosquito, tick, and flea treatments, please contact us within 14 days of your service* and we will schedule a time to reassess your property and, if necessary, provide a booster service at no additional cost. If you are still dissatisfied with your booster application, please let us know and we will gladly refund your purchase price for that treatment. We take pride in our customer service, and our job isn’t done until you’re satisfied and having fun outside again! Are you still not convinced? Look at our seemingly endless number of positive reviews from our current customers to see how our service has helped thousands of people make their yard outside fun again!